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José Martínez

José Martínez

José and his wife Francy Helena have been farming coffee for many years. José grew up in a coffee farming family but left home at a young age and worked all over Colombia as a bus driver. Looking for a more stable life, he decided to come back home and bought his father’s farm to start paving a new  path. Today, he and Francy manage 10 hectares, five of which are planted with several varieties of coffee including Caturra, Pink Bourbon, Gesha and Tabi.

José Martinez is passionate, innovative, and always looking for opportunities to become better and improve his quality. He keeps his trees healthy and very well pruned, he measures his fermentation process to determine the best time to end fermentation and achieve the perfect balance of flavours.

This shows in a very balanced cup with a high sweetness and some florals.You can expect flavours of blood orange and red grape. This lot is the perfect expression of a high quality, well processed pink bourbon.


Origin: Colombia
Region: Sinai, Palestina
Farm: El Casino
Producer: José Elcias Martínez
Variety: Pink Bourbon
Process: Washed

Regular price €16,00
Regular price Sale price €16,00
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